The partner consortium from Building bridges for a circular economy by fostering youth entrepreneurship project organized the staff training in Belgium from June 7th to 10th, 2022. The participants came from Belgium, Greece, Romania and Slovenia, the countries where the partners are from.
The aim of the staff training
The aim of this live activity was to decide on the content to be included in the module. This is an active way to validate the e-course learning material on Green Entrepreneurship & Circular Economy for youth that is under development. What the city had to offer like tasting food from circular, sustainable and only local gastronomy businesses, sightseeing, and chasing away the train served as an inspiration for us.
Where it took place
The meetings took place in Village Partenaire, right in the heart of the green entrepreneurship ecosystem created By Groupe One. The building complex brings to life a sustainable mindset, as they cultivate energy and water conservation mentality, make their own compost, have aquaponics and co-working offices, and offer consulting services with a sustainable touch to new businesses.
Aside from the formal training in the mornings, participants also experienced on-site good practices throughout the city. From restaurants operating locally, responsibly, and following the principles of the circular economy, all the way to the Souplo initiative involved in circular fashion designing.
It was a wholesome experience, full of learning and inspiration.
Until next time for our youth training in Timisoara, Romania.
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