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IO1: A curricula development and a state-of-the-art analysis, including competencies
The aim of the IO1 is to provide a complete analysis on skills, competences and knowledge in order to design a curricula and define a training path for developing the training material content in subsequent outputs. For this purpose will carry out an inventory analysis about youth training options in Circular Economy (CE), Green Economy (GE), identify potential for youth green jobs, and elaborate on existing competencies by youth and youth educators. A gap analysis regarding training needs and an overview of existing training materials will be made, highlight themes of particular interest to be developed within our proposal. Common elements will be highlighted, as a framework for dialogue and comparison. This report will also be a tool for information and education about existing practices and represent a framework for future development of IO and project results, as well as for future youth strategies in the partner countries. The report will describe the current situation regarding skills, competences and critical knowledge identified regarding GE necessary to develop circular business models and will align the joint curricula designed and defined.

IO2: Learning Material/Toolkit
O2 aims to will be designed as a content integrated into the ATHENA platform – as a e-learning tool or module, dedicated to the learners/trainers to gain new and innovative knowledge in the fields of Circular Economy (CE) and Green Economy (GE). It will be “open” enough to enable the partial transfer to the other educational/learning/training contexts – e.g. environmental education study programs. It will be based on advanced non-formal learning methods, comprehensive to address CE and GE, and will encourage acquiring competences such as team work, ICT, networking, collaboration, language and writing skills, etc. Non-formal education methods will be proposed: group work, forum discussion, group drawings (business canvas) and exploration of external business incubation events. Those tools and methods of non-formal education will be described in short materials, uploaded on the platform. The new approaches are proposed for the better inclusion of youth in CE and GE and new joint projects ideas for the supporting CE in the partner countries. The trainees will be encouraged to come up with pitch presentations of their business ideas, to upload them on the platform and receive feedback from the mentors, in the final evaluation of their training program.